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Cambridge More! - English Course for Teenagers




категория: УМК Cambridge More
автор (author): Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones, Hannah Cassidy
издательство (publisher): Cambridge University Press
год (year): 2008 - 2014
язык (language): Британский английский (British english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, AVI, CD-rom (ISO)
Описание: More! - четырёхуровневый курс английского языка для учащихся средней школы от издательства Cambridge. Соответствует международным уровням подготовки Beginner A1 - Pre-Intermediate B1. More! максимально учитывает возрастные особенности подростков в восприятии информации: тщательно подобранные в соответствии с интересами школьников темы, четкая и понятная структура информации, яркое, красочное оформление способствуют лучшему пониманию материала. Также отличается разнообразием мультимедийных приложений, межпредметными связями и вниманием к грамматике. С пособиями УМК школьники начинают подготовку к экзаменам PET (Preliminary English Test) и KET (Key English Test). Каждый уровень рассчитан на 80 - 90 часов обучения..

More! Second edition is a four-level English course from recognised authors for lower secondary students. This new edition is bursting with added features and an even more user-friendly design to capture young teenagers' imagination and help improve their learning. The course encourages reading for pleasure with new adventure photostories and engaging texts. Both CLIL sections, now an integral part of each lesson, and mini-projects inspire teenagers' natural curiosity. In addition to dedicated grammar, vocabulary and skills sections, MORE! also helps improve your students' exam results with new exam skills sections and learning tips in the Workbook. Each level of MORE! offers 80-90 hours of teaching material and a rich choice of digital components for you and your students. Cyber Homework and web resources make homework and language practice enjoyable for students, while the Presentation Plus DVD-ROM, Testbuilder CD-ROM and DVD provide additional support with teaching and monitoring your students' progress.

The Workbook Workbook helps teenagers develop learning and exam skills with dedicated 'Learning to Learn' and exam skills sections.

The Teacher's Book contains teaching suggestions and detailed guidance on how to get the best out of the course. It also includes the audio scripts and the answer keys for both the Student's Book and Workbook.

More! Class Audio CDs include all recordings to accompany the Student's Book.

Testbuilder Preparing tests has never been easier. With the Testbuilder CD-ROM/Audio teachers can generate tests for each unit, selected skills and revision tests and assess students’ progress with less effort. It previews each exercise before inclusion, and it can create 'A' and 'B' versions of each test so that students sitting next to each other do not share answers.

Presentation Plus DVD-ROM transforms your classroom into a digital classroom. This presentation software combines the interactive content of the Student’s Book, audio CDs and video from the DVD with interactive whiteboard tools. It is perfect for creating an actively engaged class.

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