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Cambridge Unlock - English Academic Skills Course




категория: УМК Cambridge Unlock
автор (author): Sabina Ostrowska, Richard O’Neill, Carolyn Westbrook, Chris Sowton, N.M. White, Stephanie Dimond-Bayir, Lewis Lansford, Emma Pathare, Gary Pathare
издательство (publisher): Cambridge University Press - Discovery Education
год (year): 2014
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, AVI
Описание: Четырехуровневое парное (А1-В2) пособие Unlock издательства Cambridge University Press рассчитано на 60-90 часов изучения на каждом уровне и подразделяется на Reading & Writing Skills и Listening & Speaking Skills. Данное пособие позволяет студентам успешно развивать академические и языковые навыки с помощью видеоматериалов (Discovery Education), тщательно разработанных лингвистических заданий и заданий, направленных на развитие навыков критического мышления.

Видеокомпонент присутствует в каждом разделе при введении новой академической темы, используется для дискуссии и мотивации студентов. Разделы Critical Thinking основаны на Bloom's Taxonomy и позволяют слушателям приобретать навыки критического мышления на разных уровнях (от демонстрации знаний и понимания к глубокой оценке). Темы и типы заданий в Unlock дают хорошую подготовку к экзамену IELTS.

Critical Thinking sections give students the tools they will need to formulate their own opinions and express themselves effectively in the end-of-unit academic tasks. Unique research from the Cambridge English Corpus into common learner errors focuses the language used in Unlock on those areas your learners will find most challenging. In addition, the Unlock Academic Vocabulary Wordlist (developed using Coxhead's Academic Wordlist and other Corpus research) means students will acquire the academic vocabulary they need, even from the lowest level. Videos from Discovery Education (TM) provide a powerful introduction to a range of academic subjects by activating students' awareness of the topic and adding interest and authenticity to the lesson. The topics and exercise types in Unlock provide practice and key language for IELTS test candidates.

Key Features:

- Every unit of Unlock opens with a visually stunning and inspiring Discovery EducationTM video (supplied on the Teacher's DVD that is packaged with the Teacher's Book). These are used in every unit to introduce original angles on a range of academic topics. The videos promote discussion, motivate and engage learners, and help to ensure that you are working with materials which lead to real achievements in the classroom.
- The critical thinking sections in Unlock are based on Benjamin Bloom’s classification of learning objectives (Bloom’s Taxonomy). These sections allow your learners to develop the lower and higher order thinking skills that are essential for success in an academic context.
- Unlock has been developed using the Cambridge Learner Corpus, Cambridge Academic Corpus, and the English Vocabulary Profile. This guarantees that the language presented to your learners in Unlock is both up-to-date and relevant as it means our authors can see how English is used, identify common mistakes made by learners at a given level, and get additional information on the vocabulary that should be covered at each CEFR level.

Unlock is a four-level academic skills course that combines thought-provoking video from Discovery Education(TM) with carefully scaffolded exercises and a fresh approach to critical thinking skills. Unlock Listening and Speaking Skills 2 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM is ideal for use in the classroom and encourages 'heads-up teaching'. The software can be used on an interactive whiteboard, portable interactive software technology, or with a computer and a projector. With Presentation Plus, teachers can present the Student's Book, play the Class Audio, view the videos, and display scripts and answer keys. Presentation Plus tools allow teachers to mark up and add links to the components whilst also allowing them to save their sessions. In addition, teachers can also connect to Cambridge Dictionaries Online for additional reference and language support.

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